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freevideopokerjustlikecasino| Bao Xiniao received positive reviews, and the expansion of Haggis stores helped net interest rates soar! 2024-2026 Annual net profit is expected to increase to 1.07 billion yuan!


简介 [good News Bird (002154) gets positive commentsFreevideopokerjustlikecasinoHaggis expands stores to

[good News Bird (002154) gets positive commentsFreevideopokerjustlikecasinoHaggis expands stores to increase net interest rate]

freevideopokerjustlikecasino| Bao Xiniao received positive reviews, and the expansion of Haggis stores helped net interest rates soar! 2024-2026 Annual net profit is expected to increase to 1.07 billion yuan!

Recently, the good news bird received the attention of investors and received positive comments from China Post Securities. Within a month, the company attracted the attention of three research reports. It is estimated that between 2024 and 2026, the company's return net profit will reach 8% respectively.Freevideopokerjustlikecasino0.3 billion yuan, 940 million yuan and 1.07 billion yuan.

Haggis and good News Bird, as major brands, have done well in accelerating store expansion and improving store efficiency. In 2023, haggis achieved revenue of 1.758 billion yuan, an increase of 24.12% over the same period last year, and the number of stores increased to 457, up 10% from the same period last year. At the same time, the output per store reached 3.847 million yuan, an increase of 13% over the same period last year. The revenue of the good news bird reached 1.73 billion yuan in 2023, up 17.18 percent from the same period last year; the number of stores increased to 817, up 2 percent from the same period last year; and the output per store reached 2.117 million yuan, up 15 percent from the same period last year.

Although the good news bird maintains a sound store opening strategy, mainly in direct operation, the recovery of passenger flow and the optimization of the large store model also improve the output of a single store. However, while paying attention to these positive factors, investors should also pay attention to the potential risks, such as brand terminal prosperity, store expansion and flat efficiency improvement, which may be lower than expected.

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