so2t7com| Xiangcai Shares (600095.SH) plans to repurchase no more than 160 million yuan. The share repurchase price shall not exceed 10.04 yuan/share

Sports 2024-04-14

Gelonghui announced on April 14 丨 Xiangcai Co., Ltd.(600095.SH). On April 14, 2024, the company held the third meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, which was reviewed and approved.so2t7comThe "Proposal on the Plan for Repurchase of Shares through Centralized Bidding Transactions" was approved. The amount of shares repurchased shall not be less than RMB 8so2t7com,0 million yuan and no more than 160 million yuan (both inclusive), and the proposed repurchase price shall not exceed RMB 10.04 yuan/share (inclusive). The funding source for this share repurchase is self-owned funds, and the shares purchased this time will be used for employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives.

so2t7com| Xiangcai Shares (600095.SH) plans to repurchase no more than 160 million yuan. The share repurchase price shall not exceed 10.04 yuan/share

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