captaincookcasino25freespins| Xiao Jin, general manager of Jinan Vanke, was taken away for a personal case and had nothing to do with business operations

Sports 2024-04-15

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Xiao Jin, general manager of Jinan Vanke, was recently taken away by the public security organs because of a personal case, which has nothing to do with the report from Yantai. Vanke Group has communicated with the local political and legal commission and the relevant police to ensure the normal operation of the company's business. The Jinan Municipal Commission of political Science and Law said that it would support Vanke in Jinan.Captaincookcasino25freespinsAnd provide coordination and docking services during project delivery.

captaincookcasino25freespins| Xiao Jin, general manager of Jinan Vanke, was taken away for a personal case and had nothing to do with business operations

Text of news flash

Xiao Jin, general manager of Jinan Vanke, was taken away as a personal case.

April 14 | in an institutional survey, Vanke A responded to the fact that Xiao Jin, general manager of Jinan Vanke, was taken away by the public security organs. According toCaptaincookcasino25freespinsIt is understood that Xiao Jin was taken away this time involving a personal case, which has nothing to do with the Yantai report. Vanke Group has arranged for Beijing area and Jinan company to communicate with Jinan Politics and Law Commission and relevant police. The police confirmed that Xiao Jin's case was a personal problem and had nothing to do with the report in Yantai.

The Jinan Municipal Commission of Politics and Law said that the Xiao Jin incident was only a personal problem and should be distinguished from the normal business practices of Vanke Group and Jinan Vanke. The Jinan Municipal Commission of political Science and Law will continue to support Vanke's business development in Jinan and assist in the implementation of the strategy of "strengthening the provincial capital". In the process of ensuring the delivery of the project, special personnel will be arranged for coordination and docking if the political and legal system is required to provide services.

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