baccaratlight| Guyu's "Longjing" milk tea take-out volume has increased fivefold, and many brands such as Jasmine Milk White have joined forces with Hunger to launch new products "Spring End"

Travel 2024-04-22

Grain Rain was in the spring tea picking season.BaccaratlightDrinking "Grain Rain tea" has become a custom in many places in the south of the Yangtze River. With the popularity of new Chinese tea, young people are also rekindling their enthusiasm for drinking tea. Data show that since April, the take-out volume of "Longjing" milk tea on platform has increased by an average of five times compared with March. Compared with the same period last year, the takeout volume of milk tea with "rock tea", "Biluochun" and "Pu'er" as the bottom increased by 100 times, 34 times and 6 times respectively, and in the coffee category, the take-out volume of "rock tea" and "Longjing" also increased 78 times and 59 times compared with the same period last year.

Most of the new products in the beverage industry start in March and reach a peak in April, May and June, and the natural season is also becoming an important factor affecting the new rhythm. When the flowers bloomed in March, the takeout volume of "cherry blossom" milk tea increased by more than 33 times month-on-month, and the takeout volume of "peach blossom" milk tea, "jasmine" and "camellia" coffee also increased by 100%. Both Seesaw Coffee, which has a new rose cedar Biluochun latte on the Spring Equinox, and auntie Shanghai, who launched the rose prosperous package, have seen a significant increase in the weekly takeout volume of during the season.

Since April, the take-out volume of "Longjing" milk tea has increased by about 5 times month-on-month, and that of "gardenia" tea coffee has increased by 140% month-on-month. Longjing Xiangqing Tuan Milk Tea, Flower introduction Tea, Yongchun bergamot, Jasmine fragrant Latte, Gardenia Green Tea Latte, Boya Jasmine Tea Latte …... Grain Rain season, online "Grain Rain eat flowers" theme activities, gu Ming, Shanghai aunt, jasmine milk white, Luckin Coffee, Tims Tianhao coffee, Nowwa Nova coffee and many other beverage brands are simultaneously launched the last wave of spring new products.

According to Kaimen statistics, among the new products of tea brands in 2023, tea-containing products accounted for 72%. Among them, the use of green tea accounted for 55.8%, an increase of 7.4% compared with 2022. At the same time, tea coffee accounted for 11.1% of new coffee products, an increase of 6.1% over 2022. Behind the high growth of tea products, more and more beverage brands begin to pay attention to the health and quality of tea products. According to data, since April this year, the number of brands launching "original leaf tea + milk" light milk tea has nearly doubled compared with last year, and the takeout volume has increased by more than 740% compared with the same period last year. Green tea still accounts for the highest proportion of original leaf tea, followed by oolong tea and black tea.

In addition to Longjing and Biluochun, high-quality tea soles made from scenting flowers are becoming the mainstream demand, and jasmine green tea has also become the most widely used base in green tea. After the overlord Tea Ji, the new tea brand Jasmine Milk White, which also focuses on light milk tea and emphasizes the scenting technology of jasmine tea, is becoming a new online celebrity. "BaccaratlightWe noticed that consumers began to pay more attention to the flavor of tea itself, and non-flavor tea would become a new market trend, so we chose jasmine tea soles made from scenting flowers as the main product. "We are still exploring new teas, such as Grain Rain's new Yongchun bergamot, which uses Fujian's local Yongchun bergamot tea," said Zhuang Wangyi, head of jasmine milk white research and development. We hope to design multi-level natural tea aroma in product research and development to attract more consumers.

Grain Rain was also the "National Tea Day" in Hangzhou. On gallery, Zhejiang Province, joined hands with many brands such as Jasmine Milk White, Chapter 24 stew, Nowwa Nova Coffee and other brands to create a "Grain Rain eat Camellia" theme event. In the offline bazaar, consumers can feel the charm of the inheritance of new and old tea culture closely through tea performances, tea ceremony experience, new tasting and other activities.

baccaratlight| Guyu's "Longjing" milk tea take-out volume has increased fivefold, and many brands such as Jasmine Milk White have joined forces with Hunger to launch new products "Spring End"

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