bestblockchaingamesreddit| See also the outstanding fund issuing a "thank you order"! During the year, more than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions

Travel 2024-05-19

News summary

[See also the "thank you order" issued by the Outstanding Fundbestblockchaingamesreddit! During the year, more than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions (Original title: See also outstanding funds issuing 'thank you orders'! More than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions during the year)] Securities Times e Company NewsbestblockchaingamesredditThe fund issued another "thank you order". On May 14, Huatai Bairui Fund announcedbestblockchaingamesreddit.bestblockchaingamesreddit..

Newsletter text

[See also the "thank you order" issued by the Outstanding Fund! During the year, more than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions (Original title: See also outstanding funds issuing 'thank you orders'! More than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions during the year)] Securities Times e Company News, the fund issued another "thank you order". On May 14, Huatai Bairui Fund announced that in order to protect the interests of fund share holders, Huatai Bairui's multi-strategy hybrid management will suspend subscription. As of May 15, more than 1000 funds have suspended large-scale subscriptions this year, and some of them have completely "closed their doors"(Class A and Class C are not merged). Observing the types of restricted funds, it is not difficult to find that under the volatile equity market, investment opportunities in bond assets and overseas assets have received widespread attention. A person from the product department of a medium-sized public offering in Shanghai said that due to the relative scarcity of high-quality bond assets, many bond funds have adopted purchase restrictions to manage portfolio liquidity. In addition, fund managers may use purchase restrictions to prevent investors from purchasing large quantities at high levels because of high market positions or high valuations, thereby reducing the risks borne by investors.

bestblockchaingamesreddit| See also the outstanding fund issuing a "thank you order"! During the year, more than a thousand funds suspended large-scale subscriptions

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