crashbandicootcostumes| Baifu Holdings 'share price fell 14.58% to HK$0.820 during intraday trading

Sports 2024-04-24

At 11:02 in the morning trading on April 24, 2024, Pak Fu Holdings (01488)Crashbandicootcostumes.HK) the stock changed and the share price plunged by 14.58%. As of press time, the stock was reported at 0.820 Hong Kong dollars per share, with a turnover of 10000 shares, a turnover rate of 0.005% and an amplitude of 5.21%.

On the capital side, the stock inflow of HK $0, outflow of HK $6960.

LatelyCrashbandicootcostumesAccording to the results, the stock achieved operating income of HK $674 million, net profit of-HK $167 million and earnings per share of HK $0.11. Gross profit data are not available and the price-earnings ratio is-7.74 times.

In terms of agency rating, there is currently no agency to make "buy, hold, sell" recommendations on the stock.

In the catering industry in which Pak Fu Holdings shares are located, the overall increase is 4.02%. Among its related stocks, New Eide Group, CLASSIFIED GP and Ronghui Holdings rose significantly, and the related stocks with larger amplitudes were New Aide Group, Xinxiang Times (New) and Jinmi Fang Group, with amplitudes of 13.33%, 12.50% and 10.80%, respectively.

crashbandicootcostumes| Baifu Holdings 'share price fell 14.58% to HK<p>.820 during intraday trading Brief introduction of Baifu Holdings CompanyCrashbandicootcostumesBaifu holding Co., Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in chain catering business. The company mainly operates catering business through Hehegu, Xin Hot Road, Xiaoman, West Young Master, Lust Pie, Yue Sketch, Big Fran, Tsai Huang Pot, Seesaw Coffee and other brands. At the same time, the company is also engaged in the investment, acquisition and management of catering brands.


, franchise and other business. The company mainly operates catering business in the Chinese market.

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