blackjacktable| Beijing City optimizes public rental housing construction standards and takes multiple measures to improve people's living experience

Sports 2024-05-21

News summary

[Beijing City optimizes public rental housing construction standards and takes multiple measures to improve people's living experience] Securities Times e Company NewsblackjacktableRecently, the Beijing City Housing and Construction Commission issued the "Standards for the Construction of Public Rental Housing"("Standards") and officially implemented them. The "Standards" provide guidance on the "Public Rental Housing Construction" issued in 2016.blackjacktable.blackjacktable..

Newsletter text

[Beijing City optimizes public rental housing construction standards and takes multiple measures to improve people's living experience] Securities Times e Company News, recently, the Beijing City Housing and Construction Commission issued the "Public Rental Housing Construction Standards"("Standards") and officially implemented them. The "Standards" are based on the "Public Rental Housing Construction and Evaluation Standards" issued in 2016.blackjacktableRevised and improved. How to achieve the living needs of families as much as possible under the condition of relatively small building area of public rental housing, this revision of the "Standard" proposes solutions and ideas. From the perspective of structural selection, it is required that public rental housing should give priority to the main structure and large space layout to facilitate flexible separation and combination of spaces. In order to solve the problem of small area of public rental housing and possible insufficient storage space, this revision of the "Standard" proposes that flexibly separated public storage space should be provided in the underground space of public rental housing.

blackjacktable| Beijing City optimizes public rental housing construction standards and takes multiple measures to improve people's living experience

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