revo3sx| Shenghe Resources: Plans to acquire 100% equity of SRUL Company to ensure the company's raw material supply

Sports 2024-05-19

Securities Times e Company Newsrevo3sx, Shenghe Resources (600392) announced on the evening of May 19revo3sxChenguang Rare Earth, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, plans to acquire 100% equity in Strandline Resources UK Limited (referred to as "SRUL Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of STA Company, and then indirectly hold interests in four heavy placer projects in Tanzania: Fungoni, Tajiri, Sudi and Bagamoyo. According to the agreement, Chenguang Rare Earth will pay the entire transaction price of A$43 million. This transaction will help expand the company's heavy placer resource channels, ensure the company's raw material supply, and optimize the company's global business layout.

revo3sx| Shenghe Resources: Plans to acquire 100% equity of SRUL Company to ensure the company's raw material supply

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