powerballdrawingtonight| Experts from the National Research Center: It is recommended to implement a voluntary selection system for retirement age ranges

Sports 2024-05-19

Ma Jiantang, former Party Secretary of the National Research Center, said when talking about extending retirement at the "First Shenzhen Financial Forum of Renmin University of China"powerballdrawingtonightIt is recommended to implement a voluntary selection system for retirement age ranges. For example, 60 - 65 years old is the legal retirement age range for men, allowing everyone to choose the retirement age based on their own work and actual situation, and then determine their pension based on the specific retirement age.

powerballdrawingtonight| Experts from the National Research Center: It is recommended to implement a voluntary selection system for retirement age ranges

Sina statement: All meeting minutes are compiled in shorthand on the spot and have not been reviewed by the speaker. Sina posted this article for the purpose of conveying more information and does not mean that they agree with their views or confirm their descriptions.

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