gamehuntersclubdoubleucasino| Everbright Futures 0423 Opinion: Shanghai Bank once again looks down and waits for guidance from core PCE data

Economics 2024-04-23

gamehuntersclubdoubleucasino| Everbright Futures 0423 Opinion: Shanghai Bank once again looks down and waits for guidance from core PCE data

Shanghai Bank fell again.

And fell a little short.GamehuntersclubdoubleucasinoIs this about to start a new wave of callbacks?

On Monday, 2406 of the main contract of the Shanghai Bank jumped down, down by 4%.Gamehuntersclubdoubleucasino.78%. From the perspective of the market situation, on the one hand, the parties to the conflict between Iran and Israel are relatively restrained, and the support at the end of the geo-conflict is weakened. On the other hand, Shanghai gold, comex gold also showed a large downward trend, in the weak operation trend, the early negative factors may be taken into account by the market, panic or easy to cause early bulls crowded selling, causing a greater impact on the market. In addition, the market sentiment may cool somewhat, making the potential bulls or choose to wait and see, under the impact of selling pressure, the volatility of Shanghai Bank may be intensified.

To judge the trend of silver, we need to focus on the landing of core PCE data. Looking back, the following picture shows the trend of COMEX silver in the past four months. As can be seen from the chart, after 4 core pce announcements, the silver trend of COMEX has its own characteristics.

After the release of the core COMEX upside data on December 22, 2023 and January 26, 2024, or because of concerns about inflation, PCE silver fell to different degrees.GamehuntersclubdoubleucasinoWhile pce on February 29th and March 29th was actually in line with expectations, under the background of positive market sentiment, COMEX silver rose sharply in the period of time after the data were released.

In this regard, we do a simple extrapolation, if this Friday's core pce data significantly higher than expected, in the current many negative factors shrouded in the Shanghai Bank may be further weaker, guard against the risk of further pullback due to the decline in market sentiment.

Source: Wind, Everbright Futures Research Institute

Written by Shi Shiming

Qualification: F03097365

Investment consulting qualification: Z0017563

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